Business Foundations Program - Self Guided Course

Business Foundations Program - Self Guided Course

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The Business Foundations Program has been designed to give you an understanding of foundational business concepts and how they may be applied to your practice.

Through the program you’ll learn about key areas of business, including finance, sales and marketing, vision, structure, leadership and management.

The program uses a unique delivery method. You’ll have the benefit of learning from and with your peers, what has and what hasn’t worked for them.

By the end of the program you will be able to identify the gaps in your knowledge and understanding so that you can plan for those areas of your practice that you’d like to develop. Our aim is to give you the tools you need to start your journey to a more fulfilling, profitable and happier life as an architect.

Read more on the Business Foundations Program


When we first started ArchiBiz, we created our signature Designing Architectural Practice Success Course (DAPS). The program aimed to teach architects the business fundamentals they needed to know to run their own business. Architects had a gap in their business education. Our DAPS Program helped fill it.

350+ students around the world later, no refunds asked, and we couldn’t be prouder of what we’ve accomplished. But over the years, we’ve grown. We’ve dug deeper into the architecture business world and discovered new findings, strategies, and frameworks. We learned what works. What doesn’t.

We discovered that there are universal Principles of Business Success, and it’s exactly what you get when you enroll in our new Business Foundations Program

Inside the program, you’ll find our original Designing Architectural Practice Success course that you know and love, but with so much more new material.

Think of the Business Foundations Program as the new, beefed-up version of our signature DAPS Program. Our second generation of DAPS.

When you sign on for the Business Foundations Program you'll receive the following

  • 8 original modules, plus the new Industry Expert module
  • Immediate access to the full program, so you jump right in
  • Ongoing access to the course materials
  • Access to coaches to provide feedback to your questions
  • 65-page downloadable Workbook
  • Numerous downloadable templates
  • Certificate of Completion so you may claim professional CPD points
  • Access to our closed community group for support and additional learning materials and short courses
  • Access exclusive ArchiBiz events


We understand that sometimes people like to ‘try before they buy’ so to speak, so we’d like to give you access to a free, quick preview (it will take approx 6 min to view).

To access the free preview;

  • Go to our ArchiBiz Thinkific Page here
  • Create your ArchiBiz account if you don’t already have one (you will not be asked for payment details)
  • Watch the preview


Module 1: Where are we now and how did we get here?

The journey in transforming your architectural practice to a thriving and profitable business starts with assessing where you’re currently at – both personally and professionally. In this module we will address:

  • Our learning process – what to expect and how to get the most from the program
  • The history of architecture as a business
  • The predictable stages of business – identifying which business stage your practice is at
  • The mindset shifts in architecture
  • The known and unknown gaps in our business knowledge
  • Technician to Leader transformation – how to transition from the mindset of an architect to the mindset of leader of your practice
  • NEW: A conversation on the industry narrative and the growing recognition around business education.

Module 2: Vision

Vision guides the destination. Get clear on where to next, for your practice. In this module we will cover:

  • The power of vision – Understanding vision and how it sits in relation to your purpose
  • Vision frameworks – Unpacking the mechanics of ‘vision’ and why it will transform your practice
  • Formulating your vision – how to design an energising view of the future for you and your team
  • Incremental change – once we understand the destination, all we need is the next few steps to get started on our journey. We don’t need to plot the whole route
  • NEW: Discover our new vision framework and an explainer on how to get the most out of the vision worksheet. 

Module 3: Structuring for success

An appropriate and effective structure for your practice will form the foundations of success. In this module we will address:

  • The problems with ownership – defining the three hats of your role in the practice and understanding what hat to wear when
  • Moving from “they” to “we” – transforming your thinking to that of the ‘employee’
  • The concept of ‘board thinking’ – creating a forum for regular strategic thinking above the day-to-day operations of the business
  • How to form and run a board
  • NEW: Discover our proven process for how to chair and run your board meetings, plus the best practices we've gained over the years.

Module 4: Building efficiency

Building efficiency is your best tool available for improving your personal productivity, time management and effectiveness. In this module we’ll cover:

  • Responsibility, accountability & authority – defining these three critical business terms and understanding how they relate to each other
  • The 3 functionality questions
  • The 2 key recruitment questions
  • Job descriptions – Your tool for getting the right resource on the right job at the right rate
  • NEW: Learn about the Mountain of Sustainable Success, the Capacity Calculator and what your Golden Metric is.

Module 5: Business development

The client is king. Learning to love your clients is key to bridging the gulf of expectations throughout the life of a project. In this module we will cover:

  • A new way to think about business development
  • The concept of the pipeline
  • The how and what of business development
  • Developing your ‘Sandwich Story’ – getting from communicating your ‘what’ to communicating you ‘why’
  • The Six Step Process that delivers consistently better client meetings
  • Presenting your proposal
  • Monitoring your business development activity
  • NEW: Features new chapter on how to better control the sales process, the new and improved Sales KPI Report, and the key KPIs to track.

Module 6: Marketing

Marketing is your opportunity to cause the change that you’d like to see in the world and to serve the people you care most about. In this module we will cover:

  • The concept of marketing
  • How to find your audience and building personas
  • Mapping your client journey
  • The power of testimonials
  • Running a project debrief
  • How to design a website to serve your clients (rather than your peers)
  • NEW: Learn to identify your ideal client and project, and why positioning is important for your marketing. Plus, new conversation on how to maximise referrals. 

Module 7: Understanding the numbers

A base level of financial knowledge will empower you to make pro-active and insightful decisions about growth in your practice. In this module we’ll address:

  • Financial basics – learning the fundamentals of the three key financial reports
  • Financial reporting – A practical set of tools to monitor the financial performance of your practice and make better decisions based on financial information
  • Budgeting – your best tool for monitoring the financial health of your practice
  • Setting up and using KPIs including the new industry benchmark, the Golden Metric
  • NEW: Get the tools to build and implement a budget. Includes an overview of the board reporting system. 

Module 8: What next?

How to make the most of what you’ve learned in this course? How to make changes in your practice while doing good architectural work?

  • Incremental change is the key
  • How to use the Development Plan template
  • Making the most of project teams
  • Creating your own 6 months action plan
  • Celebrating your wins
  • Rewarding success
  • NEW: Access support through the ArchiBiz Community and the regular Foundations Forums. 

NEW: Module 9: Industry Experts

In this newly introduced module, you’ll hear from a selection of architecture sector experts across marketing, finance and operations to better understand how they can support you and what levers you can pull in your practice to really make a difference. 

Payment Plan

If you are looking for a payment plan, please reach out to us directly and we will manually set you up. The payment plan includes 3 monthly payments of US$670. 

Our Guarantee

We believe that if you succeed, we succeed. That’s why we guarantee our results.

Our guarantee isn’t the typical sneaky “kick the tyres, check it out, you’ll be satisfied – we promise!” style of guarantee. We stand behind our course 100% because we know it works when you take action.

The difference between information and real education is partnership. In a true education experience, the teacher and student ‘share’ responsibility for the student’s success. The teacher is invested just as much as the student. With Archibiz you have a committed partner in your course success.

Your responsibility in the partnership is to bring 100% of your effort and expertise; to participate, read, watch and do the homework and to reach out when you need help with the course.

If you don’t find value in the first 4 weeks of the Course and have brought 100% of your effort and expertise in that time, then we will refund 100% of your money. You just need to let us know within the first 30 days of enrolling in the course.